So as you know based on our news yesterday (Max's Big News!), we are focused on a very Tiny One now. Mommy is housing a new Super Fetus in my ol' house ... my little brother or sister!
So what do you think? Do you think Sesame is a boy? Or a girl? Do I have a little brother to look forward to? Or a little sister? Either way ... I'm going to teach Sesame how to play in dirt, and I am going to do my monkey for him / her! (Mommy started this tradition long ago for Auntie Tam).
We actually find out THIS FRIDAY if Sesame is a boy or girl (if all goes well). But you may have to stay tuned a bit longer ...
Are you ready for the first sneak peek of Sesame? (The best little bro or sis around!)
Image Credit: Mad Max and Family / Tara Johnson |
Sesame's Current Stats:
Age: 17 Weeks and Counting
Weight: Approx. 5 Ounces
Height: Approx. 5 Inches
Fruit / Veggie Size: About the size of an onion (may smell like one too...)
Fun Facts: Sesame's super skeleton is turning to bone. Sesame can move his / her joints, and sweat glands are starting to develop. Much needed in this Tejas heat, Sesame!
What does Sesame enjoy most right now? Moving in Mommy's belly (she's starting to feel it), kisses for Big Brother Max, and evening reading time with Mommy and Mad Max. Oh, and Mommy says "Chocolate Ice Cream!"
So a few other things today ...
Happy Launch Party Day to Auntie Tam! We love you, and we wish we were there! We can't wait to hear about it.
Also if you are gearing up for Memorial Day weekend be sure to read our Chron Blog: Mad About Town.
-Mad Max