

Fun Friday: Super Sesame's (Sesamina) big name reveal is ... (drull roll please)

Hi Family, Friends, and Fans,

Sesame here.  I have some big news to share with you today!

My name is ... (wait for it) ...

Image Credit: Mad Max and Family / Tara Johnson

My mouse ears from Disney World!  Thanks Mama and Dada!

Image Credit: Mad Max and Family / Tara Johnson
How does my name look on my ears?  My name is Sadie June.  Sadie because my Mama and Dada love it (Dada's idea), and June because of my Great Grandma L, her middle name was June.  We love and miss you G Grandma L!  

So basically I sound like a Southern Belle, no?

Image Credit: Mad Max and Family / Tara Johnson

Image Credit: Mad Max and Family / Tara Johnson

My mouse ears with my Big Bro's mouse ears!  What do you think?

How did you reveal your little one's name?  Or how have you seen names revealed?

My (Sesame's) Current Stats:

Age: 22 Weeks.  Over the Hill?  I hope Mama and Dada are starting to prepare for my arrival!  How did you prepare for baby #2?

Weight: After vacation, whew, who knows... !!!  Almost 1 pound (approximate)

Height: 11 inches (approximate) 

Fruit / Veggie Size: Spaghetti squash (wow, I sound huge!)

Fun Facts: I'm beginning to look like a miniature newborn!  Wait, what did I look like before?  Geez.

What do I enjoy most right now?: I enjoy hot sauce.  When Train Wreck Mommy has hot sauce I wake up.  I also enjoy long walks on the beach and pink roses.

And some more Friday Fun, Auntie Tam sent us this great (FUNNY) link.  It's a must listen!  And one of the little girls has my name: NPR Reporter Interviews His Two Little Girls After One Gives The Other "The Worst Haircut Ever".

Be sure to also catch us on Mad About Town!



Anonymous said...

Love the ear hats!!!

Mad Max and Family said...

I know, super cute, right? Love you, Auntie Tam!

xo Max and Sadie

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