

Tuesday's Tots and Wee Ones: Baby Olympics!

Hi Family, Friends, and Fans,

First, Happy 19th Birthday to me!  Can you believe I'm 19 already?

Second, are you lovin' the Olympic fever?  Or over it?

Train Wreck Mommy and My Hero Daddy are glued to the screen.  I have to admit that I'm often passed out (after a nice glass of Scotch) in my crib before Olympics Primetime even starts in the evening.

What about Baby Olympics?  Do you have or know any babies or tots that are currently training?  I know my little sis is, Sadie.  (Gymnastics, we think).

Have you seen the Guys with Kids promos during the Olympics?  Mad Max gives them a 9.9.  Cute.  And hilarious.  Mommy said she wants to see this new NBC show.  What do you think?

So what about your babies or tots ... or ones that you know?  Are any of them in sports (that are also seen in the Olympics?)

Dada put me in the Olympic sport of swimming (at Dad's Club) which we think is a great sport for babies and tots.  What is another great sport for babies and tots?  Mommy said tumbling!  She said I might get to try tumbling either in the Spring or next Summer.  A friend of Mommy's recommended (or rather, heard about) Houston Gymnastics Academy.  Home to Olympians!  We need to research it more though.  Houstonians: any recommendations for swimming, gymnastics, or other sports for young ones?  What about those of you outside of Houston?  Where did you choose to go and why?

-Mad Max

PS ... Find us on Mad About Town!


Anonymous said...

I loved this commercial!! hilarious!

Mad Max and Family said...

Thanks for stopping by! Yes, I think this show is worth checking out. At least the concept seems good!


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