

Party Animal and Swingers

I've been having so many new adventures lately.

A few weeks ago we went to my buddy Ben's baptism.  Can you see us?  Look closely.  Mommy!  Mommy!  Where is Train Wreck Mommy, my photographer?  This isn't working well.  

It was also Ben's F1RST Birthday party that day.  Happy Birthday, Ben!

By the way, Ben blogs too: little baby ben.  Check it out!

Then we went across town the same day to Super Miracle Toddler, Anna's 2nd Birthday.  Her Mommy ... "Auntie" Elizabeth is a super party planner (great job!!).  Train Wreck Mommy and Elizabeth use to plan events together at Dante's Inferno (MFAH).  Auntie Elizabeth, I think TW Mommy is going to get in touch with you ... she already started planning my F1RST big event.

Mad Max and my Birthday Girlfriend ... haha!  Happy Birthday!  By the way, I loved your Disney theme.  Rumor has it I get to go visit the Big Crazy Mouse next year!  Let's have a play "date" soon.

Right outside of Anna's party there was something called a "swing set."  Mommy was so excited (umm, I don't think you will fit, Mommy).  I ... was well, cautious about this experience.

Daddy, I don't know about this.  Where is my Lambie Swing?  Chains?  Chains, you say?

Haha, this is so much fun I turned into a small Asian man!!!  Or Quasian as Auntie Tam would say (Quarter Asian).

More adventures soon ...

What parties have you attended lately?  Enjoyed a park or playground recently?

-Mad Max

My Cousin Bells

One of my favorite furr cousins, Bellaaaaa ... had surgery this week.  You're in my prayers always, Bells!  Get better soon!  Our Facetime songs aren't the same without your eyes and poop stories.

Despite your recovery Bella, I just wanted to say great mention in Miles to Style blog.  Mad Max was impressed.  And did you see me helping you walk down the aisle to Train Wreck Auntie Tam?  Team Work, kid.  Love you.

Fans, do you have any furr cousins?  Are they crazy fun like my cousin Bells?

-Mad Max


Last Week of Summer

Wow, has it really been that long since I blogged?  I will take the blame, Mommy.  Really.  I've been busy chewing on this Mac and not blogging.

Granted, we have had a busy few weeks ... Mommy had an AP Art History Institute course at Rice University last week for work.  I really don't know why she didn't just choose her favorite art critic (Max) to teach the class.  And then it was Mommy's birthday last week (Happy Birthday, Mommy!  And great job taking care of me Daddy and Gma J / Mimi!).  Mommy got a Wii and Wii Fit.  Train Wreck Mommy + "Ski Slopes" Indoors = Mad Max laughing until I wee wee-ed my pampies.

But I'm really enjoying my last week of summer with busy Mommy though ... I sure will miss during the weekdays!

What were we up to yesterday?

Ramona eyes on the floor.  One of my favorite games.

Playing with my hero Daddy ... aka DaDa before he goes to work in the morning.  Yes, that is me sitting up nice and tall!  I've been doing that for about a week or so.  Sometimes I surprise myself though and fall backwards.  Mommy freaks out. 

Here I am at BabyTime at the Houston Public Library with Mommy and Gma J / Mimi.  Our last Babytime until vacation or next summer!  Don't worry, Mommy ... you won't fall behind on your reading skills.

When are we getting started?  I already read both books and the Wall Street Journal this morning.

The plane!  The plane!

-Mad Max


Art Thursday: Remember Twombly

Today was my Art Thursday with Train Wreck Mommy (and we missed our TW2 sidekick, "Auntie" JCranc!).  We went to the Cy Twombly Gallery at The Menil Collection.  He passed away last week ... Mommy said we lost a great American painter.  Be sure to read more about Twombly.  He is well known for his mark-making paintings, and Train Wreck Mommy said I can begin to explore my own mark making.  (Now if I can just resist putting that paint brush in my mouth).

Cy Twombly at the Cy Twombly Gallery in Houston (The Menil Collection)

We didn't take any pictures at our visit because 1) Mommy is a Train Wreck without her sidekick, JCranc ... at times, and 2) I was busy being Mommy's art critic.  If you live in Houston or are going to Houston sometime, but sure to make a visit to experience Twombly's art.
Do we just stop at enjoying art on Art Thursdays?  No.  We need face time with my fans.  We went with "Auntie" Viola to go visit "Auntie" Gaby and her new baby, Becca ... and Valentina!  The ladies love me.

Did I mention that this WEEK I've been doing such a better job sitting up?  Mommy sure seems excited.  Little does she know, if I didn't have such a heavy hand with my Scotch, I could sit up all the time.  In the photo above I'm too busy looking at this new thing called - c-a-r-p-e-t to sit up fully.  We don't have c-a-r-p-e-t at home.  Look at Valentina!  Show off.  Haha love you!  Thanks for letting me drool on you.

Umm.  Mommy.  Look how SMALL that kid is behind me.  Yikes.  Ramona eyes!  And you say I use to be that small?  I think not!

Nice feet Gaby!  Look how long I am!  NBA star!

What art shows have you enjoyed lately?  Enjoyed some time with friends sitting up nice and tall?  What did y'all do?  Max loves hearing from you!

-Mad Max


My Crib Can't Handle Me Right Now!

Lately I've been into the military crawl.  I think I may be a future Navy Seal.  Thoughts?  I started actively creeping backwards a lot in the past week.  I just have to assess my surroundings, you know?  I'm an advanced Super Baby that way.

Mommy of course has been up to her photography ways.   She caught me in my military gear.

And did I mention?  My doc said Train Wreck Mommy and my Hero Daddy had to drop my crib all the way immediately, or I may flip out of it, and take off to a white sand beach somewhere.  She must know my Super Strength.

How do you like my outfit?  Do you have any outfits that give you Super Strength?  (Thanks to Gramby and Pops for my pants, and "Auntie" JCranc for my shirt!).

Have you been to my YouTube Channel lately?  I have a new vid almost daily, and you can see my military crawl.  Check it out here: Mad Max and Family.  Don't forget to also subscribe to my channel and comment!

-Mad Max


Happy 1/2 Birthday To Me - Art Thursday (Last Post)

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  I have one more (I promise) post about my birthday.  If you missed the other two, read them here: Bday Post 1 and Bday Post 2.  As you may know, every Thursday this summer Train Wreck Mommy and I have an "Art Thursday."  This past Thursday we had an Art Thursday with "Auntie" JCranc and Jessicana at Lawndale Art Center.

Jessicana, Me (can you see me?! ... Hello!  Tiny Mad Max here), and Mommy at Lawndale Art Center

By the way, a special thanks goes out to JCranc and Jessicana for taking photos with their iPhones.  Mommy had her hands full (see above).  Train Wreck Mommy said, "Now Mad Max, don't you want to look at art in your Super Sling?"... Why, Mommy ... what do you think?

Mad Max with work by my good buddy Gonzo!  Did you miss the posting about when I met Gonzo?  Check it out here: Gonzo at YES Prep SE.

I am Mommy's favorite art critic.  I'm not sure about JCranc.  She just giggles at me.  Maybe I am over her head?  Poor TW2.  

Right now at Lawndale Art Center they are having their BIG SHOW.  It's an annual open-call, juried exhibition.  Read more about it on their website.  Mommy and I apologize for not crediting all of the artists in our photos.  It's probably Mommy's fault (TW).  If you live or are visiting Houston, definitely go check out the show!

This is not a gun.

This is also not a gun.

Mad Max sees blueprints.

Hey, hey guys ...  meeting without me again?  I prefer Scotch over milkshakes and pie anyways.

I like to call this one "Undressed."  Mommy, Mommy, I think it represents the way I feel on Mondays.

Mad Max loves red.  Red is a primary color.  Primary begins with P.  Do I sound like Mommy?

I'll leave with you one of my favorite pics.  I love to become one with the art.  Don't just view the art.  Be one with the art.  Become the art.  Reflect upon how might the art represent you.

-Mad Max


Happy 1/2 Birthday To Me (Post 2)

If you missed my first Happy 1/2 Birthday To Me posting read it here: Post 1.  I had such a busy day ... that I have to share my Bday event in 10.5 billion posts.

Mommy bought me musical toys from Lakeshore Learning.  Good to eat, I say.  She said she forgot to buy aspirin to go with them.  Umm, what are you trying to say, Mommy?  Have you heard yourself sing?

Mad Max strikes a pose here.  Do you think I look like Daddy here?  Or TW Mommy?

So yesterday for my birthday I also went to my 6 month doc appointment with Mommy and Daddy.  They love to always give me my birthday shots.  Mommy said she thought I would weigh in at 17 lbs, Daddy disagreed.  For once Mommy was right with numbers!

Hey guys, umm ... I think we will need a bigger scale soon.

Here we are waiting for Super Doc.  Don't I look like a Big Boy?  Or is Daddy shrinking?

Shots you say?  I shall eat my hand!

Thursday Art Day with "Auntie" JCranc and "Auntie" Jessicana?  That's something to smile about.  (More to come later).

So what else did we learn at the doc?  A few high / lowlights: They measured my head.  I'm not sure I understand the point of that.  Hey doc, come over here, and let me measure that big ol' head of yours!  Haha, joking.  I'm in the 55% for height and 45% for weight ... so I'm basically hearing I may be an NBA star, and I can eat more dessert.  No?  The doc also poked and prodded me, and made me sit up, and I screamed at the top of my lungs.  I mean really, what is going on here?  Then I got my shots.  They don't even really hurt that bad, but I know Mommy is scared for me, so I cry.

But I am okay (playing with my music toys):

More soon on my Artful Afternoon!

What do you think about my new music toys?  How much do you think I'll weigh at my next doc visit (9 months)?

Mad Max loves followers and loves to hear from you!  Be sure to hit follow.

-Mad Max

Happy 1/2 Birthday To Me! (Post 1)

Yesterday was my 6 month birthday.  I'm obviously recovering today.  Train Wreck Mommy loves to take 1,000 photos of me on my Bday!  This post shares a few that I thought you would enjoy.  This isn't even the 1/2 of it!  And I have much to share with you about my birthday in posts to come including my 6 month doctor appointment and Art Day with Mommy and more.

Oh boy, I just wanted to kick my legs like crazy and move around like a "crazy person" as Mommy would say ... but she just wanted to take photos.  Here I am posing in my Houston Rockets outfit from my Daddy.

I like to roll my tongue.  Mommy says, "Maxxxx, how do you do that?"

Like this Mommy.  Look at me!  One asian eye, one white eye.

Serious face.  Wow check out my Big Boy fingers.  What is up with that?  Time for some piano playing!

Mommy, I don't think I fit this way anymore.


Yay, why does my head look so big and my body so small?

Much more to come about my 1/2 Birthday.  Stay tuned!  Do you celebrate your 1/2 birthday?  How are you celebrating (or did celebrate) your birthday this year?  Max loves to hear from you.

-Mad Max


Keep Mad Max Weird: Austin (Post 2)

Mad Max is back from the 4th of July Weekend.  How was your holiday?  Back to my Austin posting ...

If you missed my first Austin post be sure to read it here: 

Can you say, Super City Baby?  I'm waiting on Train Wreck Mommy and my Hero Daddy to pay the parking meter.

The Train Wrecks took me to the Austin Children's Museum.  That's my "excited new toy face."  Mad Max gives the Austin Children's Museum two thumbs up.  Daddy gives it two thumbs up and a monkey toe up because we showed up at 4:30 pm (they close at 5 pm), and we got in free.  Wow.

Here we are at Kerbey Lane for the 1,000th time.  Maybe we should get our own table!  We Heart KL.

Mad Max's F1RST post-womb college tour below: University of Texas at Austin.  Daddy said we are visiting a college for each of our Rockets Road Game Trips (and more)!  Whatever It Takes.

There we are above in 1,000 degree heat at the UT campus.  But Mommy treated us to some treats at the UT Bookstore.  I got a UT onesie, and a UT football.  Thanks, Mommy!

What happens after spending most of the morning in the heat in Austin?  See above!  Nap time at the Four Seasons Austin.

Looking out our window at our city view (Downtown Austin).

What do vegan (or veggie) hipster babies do in Austin?  Why we hang out in our shades with our favorite giraffes at Shady Grove of course.

Sunset while waiting for the Congress Avenue Bats (which by the way, we could visit right behind our hotel!)... how were the bats?  Well, Mommy made me go into giggle fits every time she yelled BATS! ... I was so exhausted, we didn't make it.  Next time, I say ... batty bat ... !

And I will leave you with me swimming with Mommy on our last morning in Austin.  See you soon, Austin!

What summer vacations are you taking this year (or did you take this year)?

-Mad Max
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