

How many adults does it take to open a Super Stroller? ...

Before I answer the question above ...

Let me fill you in on what a nightmare the other day was ... (and you wonder why I often just have my eyes closed!).

Train Wreck Mommy and I went to visit Gma A and Great Auntie Jackie earlier this week ... Mommy keeps telling me I need to practice being at Gma A's some since I will be there soon (I know not of what she speaks... all I hear is "Lock Up"... but I guess it isn't too terrible that my Baby Leave gets extended.  I will miss you Mommy!  I will worry about how you will survive at YES Prep SE without me, haha!).

We also went there to go shopping.  That's when everything went south.

But before we get to that ...

Here is my new Super Bed I get to sleep in at the Train Wrecks... I mean, Gma A and Gpa A - love you!

Hey Monkey!  You will have to sleep elsewhere.  Thank you.  I am a Super Safe Infant.  Even though my middle name is Danger.

Here I am trying at the pee pee and poo poo changing area.  What are you looking at turtle?  This isn't a peep show.

Here Gma is giving me my first bottle from her.  Didn't taste like Scotch.  Fired.  Mommy!  Mommy!  I think I have to come with you to work!  Love you, Gma A.

So then ... 24 hours later we got out the door after the ladies pulled themselves together and put me in my Super Seat.  Mommy wants to time Gma A to see how 1) how accurate (safe) she can be and 2) how quick she can be.  I promise not to throw them off with flying spit up, leaking poo, or an extra heavy Super Baby Outfit.

First stop: Lowes.  I'm helping Mommy design and decorate our townhome.  Sign of Trouble #1: "Let's try to put his Super Seat in the shopping cart!  That will be great fun!" ... Ahem.  Enough said.

Mad Max is fading quickly.  You really can only see so many paint samples.  I can pick a paint sample in my sleep!

Okay, I'm back again.

Oh, Mommy.  I think the GRAY one.  (By the way ... yes, we are going back again to Lowes.  We picked the wrong paint color.  I don't think she listened to me the first time).

Second Stop: Barcenas Mexican Restaurant (again).  Sign of Trouble #2: Actually using a Changing Table in at bathroom.  Between Mommy vomiting in her mouth and screaming "don't touch anything, Mino!"... the situation didn't leave much to be desired.  But a better place was in the actual restaurant:

Here I am above with baby Lambie watching Mommy down a few margaritas... haha just kidding.

And then a bad, bad vomit happened at some point... but I got to put on the awesome bib that Auntie Tam bought me.  Although Auntie Tam and my Mommy are confused because it's actually MY blog.. haha.

After that we went to the mall to look for some window treatments ... we don't have any photos, and it is probably better that way.

Sign of Trouble #3: Two ... well three adults who have not passed any classes or tests on Super Strollers attempt to open a stroller in a mall parking lot.

Let's just say ... it took Gma A, Great Auntie Jackie, Mommy (almost breaking my Super Stroller)... a stranger (not a day over 18 years old), and a possible mall cop or ex-con for us to successfully open the stroller, enter the mall, leave the mall, and close the stroller. 

Needless to say, I don't think we are doing that again anytime soon.

-Mad Max


Tamra {ever swoon} said...

Looking good there Mino!! I can't believe it took your TW mommy so long to use your awesome new bib. xoxo - auntie tam

Mad Max and Family said...

Auntie Tam ... she's used it before! She just didn't take pics! Fired! Love you Mommy, haha.

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